Rat City Impaler

+160 Melee Damage+[92 - 108] Spell Void Damage
Required Level: 60
Cannot Drop
The chance to roll an affix depends on the pool of affixes and the reroll chance of each affix. Each affix basically has an equal chance of rolling, but then the reroll chance of the affix determines how likely it is for the rolled affix to be kept or not.
For example,
Added Critical Strike Multiplier
Affix | Chance to roll and keep |
Added Critical Strike Multiplier | 1.88% |
Added Melee Cold Damage | 2.35% |
Added Melee Crit Chance | 2.51% |
Added Melee Fire Damage | 2.35% |
Added Melee Lightning Damage | 2.35% |
Added Melee Physical Damage | 3.14% |
Added Melee Void Damage | 3.14% |
All Attributes | 3.14% |
Chance To Bleed | 2.20% |
Chance To Blind | 0.63% |
Chance To Chill | 1.57% |
Chance To Ignite | 1.57% |
Chance To Poison | 1.57% |
Chance To Shock | 1.57% |
Chance To Slow | 0.78% |
Health On Kill | 3.14% |
Health On Melee Hit | 3.14% |
Increased Cold Damage | 1.57% |
Increased Critical Strike Chance | 2.51% |
Increased Damage Over Time | 3.14% |
Increased Fire Damage | 1.57% |
Increased Lightning Damage | 1.57% |
Increased Melee Attack Speed | 3.14% |
Increased Melee Damage | 3.14% |
Increased Melee Stun Chance | 3.14% |
Increased Necrotic Damage | 3.14% |
Increased Physical Damage | 3.14% |
Increased Poison Damage | 2.20% |
Armour Shred Chance | 1.57% |
Increased Stun Chance | 3.14% |
Increased Void Damage | 1.88% |
Melee Health Leech | 3.14% |
Increased Minion Damage Over Time | 1.57% |
Less Bonus Damage Taken from Critical Strikes | 3.14% |
Melee Frailty Chance | 3.14% |
Area for Melee Area Skills | 2.51% |
Parry Chance | 1.57% |
Bloom Tender's | 3.14% |
Orian's | 3.14% |
Mana and Mana Regen | 1.57% |
Minion Melee and Bow Damage | 0.94% |
Minion Melee and Spell Damage | 1.41% |
Physical Penetration and Minion Physical Penetration | 0.47% |
Fire Penetration and Minion Fire Penetration | 0.47% |
Cold Penetration and Minion Cold Penetration | 0.47% |
Lightning Penetration and Minion Lightning Penetration | 0.47% |
Void Penetration and Minion Void Penetration | 0.47% |
Poison Penetration and Minion Poison Penetration | 0.38% |

Lament of the Lost Refuge
Two-Handed SpearUnique Rat City Impaler
Range: 3
Base attack rate: 0.98
LP23% | 2% | 0.078% | 0%
+160 Melee Damage+[92 - 108] Spell Void Damage
ModifiersVolcanic Orb Converted to Void100% chance to gain Corrupted Heraldry when you cast Volcanic Orb[24% - 36%] chance to gain Corrupted Heraldry when hit by Shrapnel from Volcanic Orb5% Increased Movement Speed and Mana Regen per stack of Corrupted Heraldry+5 Spell Void Damage per stack of Corrupted HeraldryAll stacks of Corrupted Heraldry are lost when you use a Movement Skill+[18% - 30%] of Remaining Volcanic Orb Cooldown Recovered when you use a Melee Attack and hit at least one Enemy
Required Level: 60