Defiance of the Forgotten Knight

+28% Block Chance+[200 - 300] Block Effectiveness
Modifiers[70% - 105%] increased Void Damage+[7% - 14%] Block Chance[21% - 28%] Chance to apply Time Rot to Attackers when HitTime Rot is an ailment that deals void damage over time, increases stun duration by 5%, lasts 3 seconds, and stacks up to 12 times.+[21% - 28%] Chance to Time Rot on Hit+[5 - 7] Melee Void Damage[50% - 30%] less Void Damage Taken
Dread not the passage of time nor the eternal void beyond.75% Void Penetration with Time Rot (2 items)3% more Void More Damage Per Stack (3 items)
Required Level: 30