Abacus Rod

+[4 - 6] Spell Damage-3 Spell Mana Cost
Modifiers+[50 - 55] Spell Damage+[1 - 5] to RuneboltRunebolt's element always matches the last skill you used directly that had a single elemental tagRunebolts that have a different element to the last Runebolt you cast grant you a stack of Numeromancy (up to 5) and refresh the duration of existing stacks+5 Spell Damage per stack of Numeromancy5% increased Cast Speed per stack of Numeromancy
"Runes provide order to magic, a way to shape it, harness it, and use it for one's will. Follow their structure and you shall remain in control, break it and you shall loose the madness between the lines." - Arch Runemaster Unvar to the college of Kolheim.Required Level: 50