Bhuldar's Wrath

Bhuldar's Wrath
Two-Handed MaceUnique Titan Femur
Range: 2.4
Base attack rate: 0.88
LP15% | 0.655% | 0.007% | 0%
+96 Melee Damage+[16 - 32] Strength
Modifiers+[65 - 90] Melee Fire Damage+[200% - 400%] Chance to Shred Armour on Hit100% Chance to use Earthquake after using a Non-Channelled Movement Ability every 5 secondsEarthquake is Converted To Fire100% of Armour Shred Chance Converted to Ignite Chance for Earthquake
Shatter! Erupt! This world is only a prison for the immortal flame.Required Level: 76Legendary Potential Level: 80