Paragon Glyph Levels Bugged after Abattoir of Zir Update

"We have pushed out a PC client patch for Steam and users to address the Paragon Glyph issue and a few other items. Notes can be found below." - PezRadar

Abattoir of Zir is Now Live!
It seems like currently all Magic and Rare Paragon Glyphs are bugged. The level displayed on the glyph appears to be lower than before the update. Magic Glyphs at level 11 have been reduced to level 10 and Rare Glyphs at level 21 have been reduced to 19.
Players can rest assured that this is not intended. It seems that the required experience for max level had been increased, but this change interacts unexpectedly with already-leveled glyphs.

The team has identified an issue that players are experiencing with paragon glyphs showcasing misrepresented levels from the levels achieved prior to the 1.2.3 update. We plan on addressing this on PC with a new client update that will be shipping later today. We will update players on timing of this release once available.
Tears of Blood
Additionally, players have reported that

Separately, when 1.2.3 hits, we will have a known issue with advanced tooltips on the Tears of Blood glyph where it will show bonuses as additive. The icon is incorrect and it is actually multiplicative. That will also be noted in the hotfix notes for Tuesday.